Thursday 2 December 2010

Snow is falling.

Just in case you hadn't realised, in Britain, it's snowing. And in Britain, especially England, we are notoriously bad at coping with snow. It never happens at the same time of year and we are never prepared for it.
I happen to be working on a feature film production in London at the moment and we're on night shoots. Night shoots and snow are not the best of mixes. We've tried to power through for two nights now but each time we've had to bite the bullet and admit that we just can't film. The narrative is supposed to take place over one night and we've now gone from it being chilly, but perfectly dry to it looking like we're in a snow globe. Not so hot for continuity.
So production has been called off until Monday. Awesome. Snow weekend!
Only problem is I'm stranded in the stylish end of London with nothing but outdoor shooting clothing. A brief trip to pick up a bagel made me realise that although I look acceptably stylish on set, I look like I'm going for the summit walking down Brick Lane.
I have my Pirate Boots with me. These will be utillised tomorrow while I go and take photos of people managing to look awesome and warm at the same time.