Saturday 21 April 2012

flat lining.

When I was seventeen, I wore four inch heels to college a few times. They were brown suede and gold leather peep toe sling backs. A Topshop idea of retro really. I still have them. Along with just over 10 more pairs of heels that range from a modest two and a half inches to a (sadly, not that absurd) six inches. The collection includes these £5 beauties.

They're for decoration, certainly not for wearing. I get the feeling they were never designed for walking.
But the place in my heart that used to spring alive at the sight of a platform pair of heels has gone.
I am a dedicated follower of flats. And a born again Nike Air addict.

Maybe it's because I spend almost all my time walking and running around. Maybe it's because the "I don't give a fuck" cool of a pair of trainers or Dr Martens or a well loved brogue out trumps the slow, uncomfortable clomp of a pair of a-little-too-high-for-comfort stilettos. And maybe it's because at that back of my mind, I'm always thinking "What if the Zombie Apocalypse started RIGHT NOW?" and I don't want to be the silly bitch caught out running in bare feet, shoes dangling from her hand.
Whatever the reason (zombies mainly) I'm a flats fanatic.
I shall leave you with the wise words of Caitlin Moran.

"If I'm going to spunk £500 on a pair of designer shoes, it's going to be a pair that I can a) dance to 'Bad Romance' in, and b) will allow me to run away from a murderer, should one suddenly decide to give chance. That's the minimum I ask from my footwear. To be able to dance in it, and for it not to get me murdered."

From How To Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran

Saturday 14 April 2012

lovely words.

Photo by TC (Flickr)

less hotties more funnies.

Barcelona is gloriously free of advertising. The girls are salty haired with trainers on their feet, riding skateboards, long boards and old bikes with a can of beer in hand. Back in London I feel surrounded by photoshopped, glassy eyed pretty things. Everyone is wearing uncomfortable looking shoes and too much make up.
Oh please lets have less of everyone dressing up like they're going to get papped and more people with a good, honest, sense of humour.

I don't know where this picture is from so if anyone knows, pass that info on!

Friday 13 April 2012


I had my first big chunk of time off in nearly a year. Aside from Christmas (can I count driving from London to the Lake District with a slight hangover as actually being hard work? Yeah? Thanks.)
A close friend got 10 days off and we hopped it to Barcelona. I have never been. I will return. Hopefully when the weather is so hot all we can bare to do is roll in and out of the sea all day drinking cold beer and eating tapas.