Saturday 31 December 2011

adieu 2011.

I don't remember seeing in 2011. I was in a reasonably terrible bar in Ascot surrounded by people I didn't know (lovely people but unknown people nontheless) save for one friend who came to the rescue when my orginial plans fell through. I ended up being put in a cab to go home early and being really rather sick.
It's not the best start to a year.
At the beginning of the year I was working three jobs. Two different waitress jobs to keep my head above the water and freelancing to attempt to push my "career" forwards. I did every short film, feature or tiny bit of experience that came my way. All unpaid. Then I got a properly paid job designing the costumes for a feature. It was minimum wage but it was paid. I had to quit my waitress jobs to do it. I thought it was the start of my career. It wasn't. It was horrendously unproffessional, I didn't get paid and I quit the job halfway through. Thankfully, the incredibly kind people at Porters and Bedgebury Pineatery took me back.
I had no money. I felt sick with worry.
And then, a few days after my birthday in May, I got a phone call to come and do a couple of days work as a runner for the costume department on a feature. And this happened.

 And then this happened. Then this.

I feel incredibly lucky right now. Here's hoping 2012 will be as kind.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

The new addiction.

It's amazing what can happen over Christmas. Thanks to the presence of two grandmothers and a gift from my mum, I'm now a knitter.

Monday 19 December 2011


Finally, I have a place in London (well, Acton) to call home. After 2 years of calling in a lot of favours from a lot of people, I can finally come home to my own room, make tea in my own kitchen and keep my shampoo in my own shower (you'd be suprised how much a difference just being able to leave your shampoo in a shower can make to your life!)
I moved here with no furniture and after a difficult bed decision, a nightmare trip to IKEA and a bit of trawling around 2nd hand shops, last night I flattened my last cardboard box.
Now all I need is more picture frames. I'm a great believer that one can never have enough picture frames.



Ring from Cos. I've only just discovered them (I'm slow, I know). Trying to not spend money in there is like trying to tell yourself you don't need tequila on a night out.

Oh yeah, and Christmas and stuff.