Tuesday 24 January 2012

random acts of awesomeness

I'm fairly positive I have a brilliant group of friends.
This was confirmed yesterday. I have been working as costume designer for a short film and I destroyed my bedroom in the process. It was so organised at the beginning but towards the end a mixture of frantic sewing, lack of sleep and a temper tantrum with a suitcase full of vintags dresses meant my room resembled that of a stereotypical teenager (there was even old plates of Chinese take-away. The plates make it more grown up than foil tubs. Because I'm an adult now. Apparently)
The last day of shooting was insane. But we finished.
Driving home I was so excited about bed but totally dredding my self inflicted doom.
But instead of Crud (whinnie the pooh reference for those in the know) the was fairy lit gloriousness.
Two of those amazing friends had not only tidied my room while I was working, but also arranged it beautifully. I was close to tears with joy and appreciation.
Still am now.

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