Thursday 4 August 2016

my first plant in the ground.

This is it.
It's a big moment....
My first ever plant put in to the ground in my first garden!
It had to be my favourite, Foxglove. And when I saw this pink beauty looking at me in B&Q (not very proper but I needed timber!) I couldn't resist.

The bees seem to be enjoying it.
It was a damn pain to get in. The earth was packed solid and I have no proper tools expect a hand fork and a (now very dented) rusty old trowel.
I'm not looking forward to digging up the rest of the borders (when I can eventually see them). I'm trying to think of it as a good whole body work out now I'm not a member of a gym.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

starting basic.

I'm supposed to be waiting for our letting agents to organise a gardener to come in and clear our garden. But with a bad start to the week (general blues and a friendship-gone-bad continuing to circle over my head) I needed something to pick me up and for the first time in a long time, exercise didn't seem like the answer. And I didn't have any beer.

So I started clearing out our jungle of a garden. I know I'll be told off for taking it in to my own hands but I couldn't help it.

I should have taken a better photo of the brambles on the right. Clearing them felt a lot like this:

Except I was the horse.

But in all honesty, it was one of the most relaxing things I've done in a long time. Enough concentration required to not be monotonous but never strenuous.

I think I've found my meditation.

Monday 18 July 2016

settling in.

The boy I share the new flat and a large chunk of my life decided that earning money whilst on a beach in Guadeloupe sounded like a much better idea than earning money in a potentially rainy UK.

I can't say I blame him. I can say I'm jealous of him.

To distract me from my loneliness in a new city, my best friend came to stay the weekend before also leaving me for more exciting climates (Slovenia).

I'll get my holiday revenge on both of them one day but until then, Oxford has proved somewhat delightful in the sun. Helped endlessly by FINALLY having a garden!

Okay so it's more of a small meadow than a garden. But it's covered with friendly bees and even has a small bistro set.

Thursday 14 July 2016

onwards and upwards (i hope).

A lot has happened.
A lot and not very much at the same time.

That random boy I met a few years ago? The one I moved in with with my two closest friends? He's now one of my closest friends. And I now only live with him. And not even in London (the horror).

We made an alarmingly quick decision to FO out of London and then, for once, did what we said we were going to do. We were spurred on by insane house prices, my desperate need to grow things, general disdain for the city and increasingly undesirable living conditions.

And now we live in Oxford.

And we have a spare bedroom.

And a garden

And a cat. The cat is still to come. Who am I kidding...cats.

I'm still working with the same costume team. But now I have a desk and a named parking space and I get to learn from an amazing designer every day.

I still have a shit car though.

And I still can't do my taxes properly (I have to phone my mum every year for that)

I'm semi-adulting.

And it's nice.